By Evelyn Busingye
There’s Gen X, Y, Z and then the Millenials. Today, I introduce to you GenCORE otherwise known as thegeneration of the children of the revolutionaries. Which revolution you ask? The NRM one of course. GenCORE is the generation of Ugandan children born between 1957 and 1977, those aged between 40 and 60, approximately 15% of Uganda’s population today and whose parents fought in the bush war and/or were alive during that time and have since becoming beneficiaries of the same.
Basically, GenCORE are those whose parents and relatives of their parents age, are in the highest positions of power in government, especially the Executive arm of government, the army, police, government agencies, etc. The offices their peers complain are being run down. They are today’s so-called elite and corporates. If you are good at your Mathematics, you will calculate the parents of GenCORE to be not at least below the age of 69 years today. The parents of GenCORE have been mostly in these positions from their mid 30’s to early 40’s and by the look of things, they are not about to let go.
Most are now grandmothers and grandfathers and ideally should be at home in the villages or their country homes enjoying the fruits of their struggle enjoying the days with their grandchildren. But this is not happening. They are here in Kampala, hustling alongside their offspring’s, competing for the same jobs as their children and doing everything they can to hold onto their positions in spite of their advancing age.
Today’s work pressures have increased from yesteryears and having not had the benefits of healthy lifestyles like diets and exercises due to being in the “bush”, they are obviously no longer equipped biologically or mentally to handle some of these heavy duty tasks or give real tangible results in a productive way. When you see the President, Ministers and government officials dozing off and rushing to “places of convenience” during speeches and national functions, you have to ask yourself; how did we get here? When you see senior citizens insisting on holding positions that require agility, innovation, mental astuteness, high level problem solving skills, you again have to ask yourself, how is this happening in a nation where close to 80% of the population are below the age of 60? Isn’t this what the Western world refers to as “elder abuse”?
And where are the children of these elders? You know the ones who had the opportunities to study abroad and gain qualifications that eluded their parents? Why are they keeping quiet? Is it because they are benefitting from the status quo where rampant corruption and political influence of their parents/relatives is the order of the day? Why are the children of the revolutionaries silent? Especially since they have proximity to these elders and are well placed to advise and counsel them on what is actually on the ground?
Dear GenCORE, your silence only serves to show that you are complicit in the run down state of affairs of Uganda today and alongside the revolutionaries, Ugandans will hold you responsible and accountable alongside the elders, because in all honesty, you studied in better schools than your parents and have had better opportunities than them and are well positioned to “advise” them. We will not forget your silence.
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