Transparency International (2024) defines corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. Corruption not only undermines governance and economic stability but also increases poverty and reduces service delivery. It can also erode public trust in government institutions.
Despite the establishment of various anti-corruption bodies such as the Inspectorate of Government, the Office of the Auditor General, the Directorate for Public Prosecution, the Directorate for Ethics and Integrity, the Anti-corruption Court, State House Anti-Corruption Unit, among others, alongside a robust legal framework with various laws targeting corruption prevention (Gumisiriza & Mukibi 2019), corruption is still high in procurements across all sectors in Uganda.
This has resulted in contractors providing shoddy works without value for money. To control corruption and ensure value for money, the Public Procurement and Disposal Authority (PPDA) (2022) collaborated with GIZ to develop an application called the Contracts Monitoring System (CMS).
An online platform consisting of a mobile application that enables anybody with a smart phone to digitally enter a project which can then be sent to PPDA for immediate action. Many contractors are not following Bills of Quantities (BOQs) in many district local governments due to corruption, and few are reported. However, if Ugandans with mobile phones can download the CMS application, they can use it from any rural location to report any government service provider (contractor) providing shoddy work.
This will assist the concerned authorities like PPDA in taking immediate action and saving billions of money that are currently being wasted as Ugandans continue to struggle in poverty. Various NGOs in the fight against corruption, such as ACCOB, ACCU, BUSOGANET, KACC, KICK -U, MIRAC, RAC, and WASCOF, are utilizing this application for monitoring, purposes, resulting in better value for money and enhanced service delivery.
If you need to download the application, these NGOs provide assistance.
With the increasing levels of corruption in the procurement system, Ugandans with mobile phones can download the CMS application and use it for monitoring government projects. This will help improve service delivery in district local governments, ensure value for money, and result in Ugandans enjoying a better life from their own taxes.
Ayub Mukisa (PhD)- Executive Director Karamoja Anti Corruption Coalition (KACC)
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