In our attribution of a glorious civilisation, in the new world order age, we shall be delving into the state character of His Excellency President Museveni;
If you are a wise general like Mao Zedong, make sure you navigate the art of foraging an enemy force, that will aid you in Preempting all guards and rear, prior to launching a war campaign .
Mechanics; Thanks to His Excellency President Museveni, the Uganda Peoples Defence forces , now comprises over 10, 000 Professionals in Cyber security , chemical engineering, medicine , economics and law, as a password in inducing strategic intelligence in the 21st Century.
If you grasp well the fulcrum of world economics, like Amarty sen, make sure the variability of inflation, is quantified by the market exchange rate, in line with the out put per product.
Mechanics; Thanks to His Excellency President Museveni, by January 2025, 16 million households in Uganda, under the vicinity of Parish development model, had received 1 million shillings each, that has been well invested in capital production of fruits, , milk, coffee and fish farming by farmers across the country .
If you fathom well the artistry of United Nations, make sure the universal declaration of rights , per article 23 on gender suffrage, is replicated in your democratic advancement.
Mechanics; Thanks to His Excellency President Museveni, 60 percent of powerful positions in Uganda in Non governmental organizations, state corporations, Private sector and government have been accorded to women and girls , as an avenue to build an efficient welfare state.
If you understand the principle of radiation, make sure the bioluminescence of neutrons , comparts with the genre of the universe, hence giving birth to a glorious civilisation .
Mechanics; Museveni’s creation of Presidential industrial hubs in every region of Uganda, wherein 10, 000 youths graduate every year in skills enterprenuership and scientific innovations, having studied for free , is a testament of Uganda’s well acclaimed future, in Africa and the new world order age.
( Mathias Lutwama is an African Nationalist- Lutwama is also Deputy Resident District Commissioner Alebtong, sms , 0786672301)
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