This is a story that will break your heart. On one side is Champion Gudo; a ghetto kid who was abandoned by his father at 4 months but rescued by an angel; an alien, called, Alien Skin. In Gudo’s corner is his elder brother, who played the role of father to his two siblings ever since father bolted. Until Alien appeared as a God send. On the other side is Mr Father who has finally, miraculously appeared. And in the centre, of course, is Alien Skin; the Kibanda. To the siblings Alien Skin is their real father. Their dad. Their saviour. Their hero.
Unknown to Gudo, satan was fighting hard to take away his angel. His star was rising so fast. That it was down to a kibanda made many people uncomfortable and jealous. Frustrated that Alien Skin couldn’t be brought down through the route that has catapulted him into an entertainment and social icon (music and style) , they targeted his weakness; Champion Gudo. This is his vulnerability. In Gudo, the world has come to love Alien Skin for a different reason – his heart – which is as soft as velvet. The bond between him and Gudo was magical; almost heavenly. Even normal parents don’t have this kind.
And then of course, The Alien manufactured Gudo and turned him into a kid celebrity of endemic proportions. From boxer to budding musician with a rising fan base that rivals established artists.
After trying hard for 1 month but comically failing to bring down the Kimenke, the haters turned demonic and hatched a new plan; target the innocent child, if only to prove a point.
The sinful plot was clothed in a sheep’s clothing and sold as a ‘bursary’ opportunity in a ‘high class’ school for the ghetto boy. Behind the scenes, they deployed agents to make a national man hunt for Gudo’s biological father so they could hide behind legalities to take possession of Gudo. In this, they wanted to disarm The Alien the same way King Samson hair was cut off in the Old Testament.
The tipping point for Alien Skin was when a one MC Kats, dared to challenge him on Gudo’s matters, an exchange that turned abusive on both sides. This was the mark of disrespect and ultimate insult to Kimenke leading to the point where we are now. MC Kats?????? Talking about Gudo??
Where we are now, The Alien has thrown in the towel and asked Gudo and his brother to return to Kawempe to his mother where they belong. Gudo is in tears and so is his brother. Their father is chest thumping and so are Kimenke’s haters who see this as a recorded victory. The ghetto boy who had been given hope in life not just with education but also an opportunity to build a talent based career in the years to come, is back to square one. To a mother who couldn’t afford a cup of tea. With just hope, that the absentee father who is now enjoying his share of celebrity and ill gotten cash to fulfil his part of the “kill Alien Skin” mission will return and be a father again. Tears is what is left for Gudo as he returns to the world of uncertainty and suffering. That would be forgotten. What can’t be forgiven and forgotten are the individuals behind this. Do you hate Alien Skin so much that you practically take away the promising life of a hopeless ghetto minor who had found an angel in him?
People like you have made Ugandans hate their own country. You couldn’t beat Alien Skin with mere words, you could do nothing to reduce his popularity or fame, you couldn’t end his career as you promised and you certainly couldn’t beat his humanity. So you pulled the last trick in the Mafioso’s hand book; you went for his family. His adopted son, Gudo. It’s a mark of cowardice. You couldn’t look straight in Alien’s eyes and challenge him to a man’s fight.It’s a loss. A terrible and shameful defeat. Alien Skin has a heart of gold. We will love him forever for that and you can do nothing about it. Nothimg will bring down Alien Skin’s star. Champion Gudo will haunt you evil people because he will return one day and tell you he is, because of Alien Skin.
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