Two days ago, I woke up to the shock of my life reading a highly vicious rant from a one Rev. Joseph Kamugisha titled “Riotous Journalists Plots to Destroy UNAA Arrangements And Lives of Ugandans in The Diaspora ” in which he labored to portray local Journalists as ‘sulking dogs’ that will accept crumbs of bread from whoever offers to feed them.

Now, leaving the limping grammar in the writing right from its title, I would like to expressly address the bias with which the bad spirited missive was written.
To begin with, my response is induced by the fact that I am one of the victims (Kamugusha portrays as culprits) being a journalist who has consistently reported about both the good and bad in UNAA. Whereas Mr Kamugisha tries to suggest that the organisation’s business is exclusively a concern of diaspoarans and that by reporting about it, local journalists are being ” unethical and unprofessional,” and poking their noses in things that don’t concern them, one thing he specifically forgets is that a good UNAA is a pride of any Ugandan wherever they are and calling for accountability then becomes a duty of the forth estate.
There have been massive financial fraud reports in the media during Mrs Nairuba Wamala Henrietta’s administration with some of them directly steming from funds disbursed to the organisation by from national coffers off sweats of the ordinary poor back home. Its, thus, not only ridiculous and tiny sighted to even suggest we should stay away from reporting about the shameful greed just so as to appease the men and women who buy you data to stay home and abuse whoever dares speak out.
On the allegation that journalists in Uganda are being fed by Remmy Bahati to ” Destroy UNAA and the lives of Ugandans!” Does that even make sense to you, Mr Kamugisha? Besides the fact that Ms. Bahati is one of the most celebrated,most ethical and most courageous journalists in Uganda, I had barely met her, let alone speaking to her prior to your mind blogging missive, save seeing her on TV when she was still working in Uganda. Anyway, even though you specifically target Entebbe Post and Daily Monitor in your half-baked attack, almost all credible media houses in Kampala have reported about the rote in UNAA in one way or the other. Visa Scams, money laundering, vote rigging, corruption and bribery, lame procurement processes , to mention but a few. In all these, I doubt one person, solely, for purposes of fighting a few individuals as you tend to put it, can afford to bankroll that unless a certain high ranking official in government is clandestinely helping out. Now, let’s assume all you allege is true, that Bahati procures Ugandan media to report, which is partly true since her activism against the systematic fraud at UNAA has been public, is it not only sensible that those concerned do sole searching and put their house back to order other than procuring this type of stunted PR that could further disintegrate the organisation that badly needs patching to bring back all the splinter factions?
Your presentation that exposing fraud is plot to ” Destroy lives of Ugandans in the diaspora equally sounds ridiculous! On the contrary, it looks like an outright attempt to enhance their lives by calling out the greedy parasitic leaders who seem to care minus about the welfare of those they lead for as long as they can keep their long beaks wetted to party all year at tte most fancy beaches and build mansions back home.
Now, on the accusation of leaking the private information of the members who procured their registration fraudulently, I quote;
“Upon learning about the deceptive acquisition and publication of UNAA member’s private information on her media platform, which houses about two hundred and eighty-five people, as well as on other platforms, the leadership of UNAA contacted the organization’s oversight body including the local authorities for further investigations behind the intrusion of members privacy. UNAA has officially reported the matter to the FBI and the investigation is underway.”
Do you even hear yourself? First of all, the law demands that he/ she that receives the information is the only one mandated to keep I in secret but not he or she to whom its been shared. Unless you can authoritatively prove that Ms Bahati git this information first hand, which I don’t think is true. Secondly, the law demands that whoever gets members’ information must demonstrate capacity to protect it and the mere fact that such Information was able to leak portrays UNAA’s incompetence that may result into a protracted legal battle I don’t think it’s leaders may wish for. And finally, how is it in the interest of the members when some are asked to pay $50 registration and others like yourself shamelessly cheat the process to pay $20 due to your connections with those in authority?
On the issue of the animosity in the media you seem to suggest is being backed by Mr Ogwang, though I don’t know much about these two(Ogwang and Etibot who your article clearly indicates is your master), does it seem right to you that one person who is charge of registering those who will vote, who is in charge of organising the convention where elections are to be held, and that very person is hoarding the voters register with just weeks to voting. Does it seem right to you that one candidate in the race is determining whose names they want scrapped off the voting list and who to retain even as we keep calling for a free and fair election that has become but just an illusion?
And here you submit, I quote;
“While Mr. Etibot, as an individual has not been known for making outrageous statements, blackmailing his opponent, or spreading divisive and sensational stories in the media, on the other hand, have on several occasions found space in various media houses with fake stories, mainly from Uganda, by Ugandan local reporters, who have been notably crafted for purposes of executing their paid missions through such publications. To defuse any possible retaliation using media attacks, Mr Lambert Etibot recently appealed to his supporters and the UNAA fraternity at large.
“…As we draw closer to the UNAA convention and elections, I would like to encourage every member to remain respectful and civil while engaging with others in our different community platforms…,” said Lambert.”
Now, why would Lambert complain really? Why would he really not call out his spokes to refrain from that since he is on top in everything worthy being accused of? You recall the ligands saying ” atamukutte y’agamba? Practically, there is no reason why your group should be involved in a bitter exchange of any sort since you have the register whereas he has not, you have the right(might) to remove his supporters from the voting g lost whereas he has not, your group has mismanaged finances of the organisation with impunity to consolidate a tyranny he has not, and you are in charge of organising the already rigged process whereas Ogwang is not. As a show of courtesy, Mr Kamugisha, you shouldn’t have even tried to portray your master as being civil and humane through this because he is practically the aggressor.
It’s my humble opinion that we should not lose focus just for the sake of these forthcoming elections. I have since learned that it will be the 35th convention since the inaugural one was held in Dallas- the same venue for this year’s event. This is an impressive legacy that needs to be guarded jealously. Divisions caused by systematic failures by leaders and faults in the electoral process often causes irreparable damages to the organisation. At a time when efforts should have been directed towards reaching g out to the members disillusioned in the years past, its a shame that things currently point towards further disintegration.
What needs to be done
To begin with, a lot seems to have been said and done to cause the animosity we are witnessing now. I think it’s important to forgive one another and focus on Reconciliation for the long term benefit of the community and Ugandans at large, regardless of where they live. Leadership is a calling and not a do or die affair. Let’s ensure the proper process prevails. With a fair process in play, the leader that shall emerge will be the one chosen by God and the will of the people. Let him prevail without cheating. UNAA has existed for 37 years and its our collective prayer that it thrives forever. When it’s divided each time an election takes place, it becomes useless.
Electoral laws also need to be repealed. I don’t see anywhere in the world where its normal for one contestant to hold so much power in the electoral process, even having the top say on who will vote and who will not. In all fairness, this is not workable. Even though you can not blame Mr Etibot for the mess but the framers of the constitution who didn’t saw this situation emerging in future.
Lastly, I wish only good life to my granny, Jinja Kamugisha. Live well and enjoy your retirement with diginity. Take time to come home and check on your people, a self imposed exile can be frustrating at times.
The writer is a Kampala based Journalist. He can be reached on 0772342782,
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