Veteran Journalist Andrew Mwenda, argues with volition, that the Anti Homosexuality bill 2023, is a liability to civilisation, and risks alienating Uganda from the rest of the world.
Confutation; From a nexus of advancement , there are 13 states in USA, led by Florida, which hate and have legislated against homosexuality. That put in retrospect , article 2(4) of the United Nations charter, impels with sanctity, the nation of Uganda, to exist as sovereign, without any foreign interference.
Andrew Mwenda states with mind incursion, that the Anti Homosexuality bill 2023, is a gross threat to investors, whose immense aid to Uganda’s growth is never in disputation.
Confutation; Nation states like Qatar, Northern Ireland and so many across the world , with a draconian legislation against against the evils of Homos and Lesbos, continue to attract multinational investors, with countries approximation of GDP 4 trillion US dollars and above. That well synchronized, Uganda’s export leverage must be harnessed in Industrial welfarism, and not using Media avenues, to rally support for sexual perversion.
Andrew Mujuni Mwenda Proclaims with travesty, that homosexuality is a moral issue , debunking the essence of a state, as not justified to legislate, the quiddity of morals.
Confutation; Premising on the San Francisco 1st of January 1942 United Nations declaration, per article 110, every Nation state is bound to legislate on matters social , cultural moral, etc ! Per adventure, the people’s interests in Uganda against Homosexuality, well acclaimed by Uganda’s Parliament , whose sanctified interests are embedded within a nation of heterosexual values, marriage between Men and women thereto.
Andrew Mujuni Mwenda alleges with antinomy, that the Anti Homosexuality bill 2023, is Stupid, that he will surely seek court redress, to quash the status quo.
Confutation; The doctrine of Popular Summation, in the matrix of state formation, abides as the supreme law. This of course makes the 389 Members of Parliament in Uganda, who passed the Anti Homosexuality bill, wise and good, in line with theocracy, and the new reign of GOD ……
( Mathias Lutwama is an African Nationalist. He is also Deputy Resident District Commissioner Kiboga. Sms 0784285177)
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