We are still navigating the logical algorithm, why President Yoweri Museveni rules for long.
Revolutionary charism; In Africa,the masses are very passionate about Political leaders, who can single handedly subdue thrones,and execute transformative tasks with practical subtlety. 80 percent of Ugandans from the NRM and opposition Perceive Museveni from the canonical perspective of great leaders like Kambarage Nyerere and Fidel Castro. It’s the reason why, if you attempt to fight Museveni Many known and unknown individuals in NRM and opposition will silently but with affirmation, gang up and brand you a national enemy.
Confluence of Science; By September 2022, Uganda’s tourism export earnings was worth 1.6billion dollars. This is one of the evident signs, that the NRM supreme leader Museveni, spends most of his valuable time in Promoting global progress like eco tourism. The implication of this is simple, those who are lovers of contemporary advance can never permit you to fight Museveni, Per adventure.
African reverence; In black; In black countries, the masses love paying institutional allegiance to black founding fathers, whose heroic exuberance, paved way to freedom and liberties ( with responsibility of course) . Majority of citizens in Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Central Africa etc, Profess beyond equivocation, that Museveni is the greatest African states man ever. The implication of this is obvious. If you are to use any African nation for subversive warfare against Museveni, you are bound to be treated as a Perennial amateur and classic idiot thereto.
National Trigonometry;
By October 2022, Ministry of finance had officially permitted6, 670 Parish Parish development Saccos across the country to receive 36 million shillings per quarter, per Parish. The funds are meant for the wretched of the earth and not Pseudo capitalists. It’s evident this makes Museveni well attuned to the empirical attestation, that the financial sovereignty of Citizens at the grassroots, Profoundly is the supreme law.
State Nomenclature; It is quite obvious, that a true dispensation of Politicocentrics by other means is warfare. Thanks to the NRA/ UPDF fraternity, the Virtue of civil- Military relations, as well executed by Commander in Chief Museveni, remains a sine qua non, in this day and age.
Vizuri baba mwanzilishi( The Author Mathias Lutwama is Deputy RDC Kiboga district)
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