The Special Presidential Assistant on Press and Mobilization also Deputy Spokesperson, Haji Faruk Kirunda has mourned Hajjati Nusura Nabukalu, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (DRDC) for Budaka district.
Hajjati Nusura passed on today in a tragic accident at Musita.
Haji Kirunda said the late Nusura has been a tested, trusted, focused and straightforward cadre of the National Resistance Movement (NRM).
“She was appointed because of her unshakable zeal for the party and nation,” Haji Kirunda said in a post on his official X account on Sunday.
“She was well-known at all levels right from when I was very young, hearing about her when she was in the local council structures where she served without blemish.”
Haji Kirunda added that the fallen Deputy RDC died in the line of duty and deserves to be celebrated and emulated in her ways.
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