The Minister of State for Microfinance, Hon. Haruna Kasolo Kyeyune has tasked the recently appointed Resident District Commissioners (ARDCs) and Assistant Resident City Commissioners (ARCCs) to ensure that all the beneficiaries of the Emyooga funds pay back so that other people can benefit.
“I want you to help me to ensure that those who took the money bring it back so that other beneficiaries can also benefit. Make sure this money is recovered, call for a meeting with the signatories to show you who took the money, make those beneficiaries pay back. The laws are clear, the money must be paid back since it is a loan but you must first sit with your boss and sanction the program,” he said.
The Minister made the appeal today while addressing the Assistant RDCs and RDCs who are undergoing a two-week induction training at the National Leadership Institute (NALI), Kyankwanzi.
Hon. Kasolo also informed the commissioners that it’s their constitutional mandate to supervise and monitor all government programs and if they see a government program failing in their districts and cities, they should blame themselves, not politicians.
“Now, we are left with one enemy, and that is poverty. That is the reason you were appointed; to help Ugandans fight poverty,” he said.
The Minister further urged the Assistant RDCs/RCCs that they should know all the basics of Emyooga if they are to effectively execute their mandate as far as the program is concerned.
“You must master the 18 categories of the beneficiaries. The best weapon is knowledge, you must speak from the informed side of view when you go on ground. Emyooga targets only 18 categories. In every constituency, we are supposed to form one myooga sacco for every category. Every Myooga was given Shs30m and leaders’ sacco Shs50m. The initial total budget for every constituency was Shs560 million and the money was sent directly to the myooga sacco,” he asserted.
“The office of the RDC is the commander of the Emyooga in the district and his/her word is final in writing. I instructed MSC not to pay any sacco without the recommendation of the RDC because I wanted to avoid the issue of ghost saccos etc. If there’s any issue of ghost sacco, the RDC is responsible,” he added.
Hon. Kasolo was also happy to note that the program has been successful in some areas in the country.This money was given to these saccos for good and it will stay in the saccos forever and I will keep on adding money and the President has since directed him to continue funding every myooga sacco with Shs20m on the recommendation of the RDC.
“RDCs are not supposed to be beneficiaries of Emyooga, you are above that. And if you have been belonging to any myooga, please withdraw,” the Minister advised.
“Make sure that Ugandans benefit from government programs like Emyooga; there you would have played your part. You should ensure that there’s improved service delivery in your areas of jurisdiction, with improved services, people will vote for NRM. Make sure that you campaign for NRM through service delivery,” he added.
He also tasked the commissioners to mobilise Ugandans to embrace the Parish Development Model (PDM) initiative.
“Join me in popularising the gospel of wealth creation. You should also be wealth creators, you shouldn’t be poor because you will be compromised.”
Mr. Joseph Tukamushaba, the Head of Emyooga Secretariat, Microfinance Support Centre (MSC) informed the Assistant RDCs that the centre’s main objective is to provide affordable financing to Ugandans to support them improve their welfare.
“We bring financial services closer to the people and we work through organised groups and cooperatives in order to cause development,” Mr. Tukamushaba said.
“As the government that cares for the people to cause socio-economic transformation, we came up with several programs like Emyooga, Youth Livelihood Fund, Parish Development Model PDM at the lowest interests so that we can help citizens progress in businesses financially.”
He further noted that the Emyooga was approved by the cabinet in 2019 to facilitate the socio-economic transformation of the 39 percent of Uganda’s households from a subsistence to a money economy and market-oriented production.
“The MSC is the lead implementing agency and fund manager of the program and it offers the funds to 18 specialised enterprises / categories which include among others; bodabodas, carpenters, market vendors, journalists, veterans, performing artistes, fishermen and tailors,” Mr. Tukamushaba said.
“Ugandans have the capacity to achieve a lot when supported and they can make successful businesses to earn a decent living.”
He also urged Assistant RDCs and RCCs that it’s their role to support capacity building initiatives for effective implementation, lead monitoring initiatives as per government mandate and lead program sensitization initiatives for effective program delivery.

The Principal Human Resource Officer, Office of the President, Mr. Herbert Atuheire advised the Assistant RDCs and RCCs to strictly follow the code of conduct and ethics for Public Service if they want to be good public servants.
He said the Code of Conduct and ethics is the basis for enforcing discipline in the public service and it ensures that public servants provide high quality services to the general public.
“It enables public officers to be loyal to the government and implement government policies without fear or favour. It also ensures efficient and effective use of resources and thus promotes development,” Mr. Atuheire said.
On the other hand, Mr. Atuheire noted that all public servants are expected to be conversant with the provisions of the code of conduct and ethics and other regulations governing public service.
“It is important that all public officers are aware of their rights, privileges and obligations.”
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