By Michael Kanaabi Dollar
Most of the times a lot of emphasis on care for expectant mothers is expended but what happens when these expectant mothers finally become new mums faced with the dual responsibility of taking care of themselves adequately to aid the recovery process from child birth and also taking care of the new born babies adequately to ensure they stay healthy and grow well.
Statistics from the Uganda Demographic Health Survey 2016 put the deaths of mothers during child birth at about 300 for every 100,000 live births, a figure that has dropped to about 180 deaths for every 100,000 live births in 2022-2023 and this can still drop further.
How can it drop?
“ Beyond delivery of a baby whether through normal birth or C-section, a mother who has just given birth still remains vulnerable for the next couple of months or so and needs special care to help her recover and regain her full health back” Julius Habumugisha CEO Teamwork Homecare a home based medical services provider says.

Many times it takes the assistance of a good home care nurse to help the mother who is often over whelmed by the needs of her new baby and also taking care of her own health to help this process, a service that Teamwork Homecare does provide effectively.
The advantage of having a Homecare nurse on board is that while the mother nurses her new born, the nurse is on hand to help with taking care of her wound effectively if she was a C-section mother, help her with ensuring she is feeding right to have adequate energy and breast milk for the baby while also ensuring her wound is well taken care of, healthy hygiene standards are kept by the new mother and she is adhering to the right medication while staying away from anything that can rapture her wound and cause extra problems.
Other Advantages
To the third party in the case the baby daddy, the mother to the new mother, an Aunt or sisters meant to give extra care to the nursing new mother, the introduction of a home based nurse who is an expert at post delivery care does make the assignment lighter giving these the chance to focus on non medical based care more efficiently.
“ With the medical professionals giving primary care to the new mother conveniently from home, other care givers can focus on stuff like hygiene, emotional support and even putting together enough finances to ensure the new mother and baby get the best possible care plus all their needs” Julius Habumugisha says.
The baby is also very delicate during it’s first days and as part of the service Teamwork Homecare provides to post delivery patients is regular checks on the baby to ensure its vitals are in good health ie the pulse, breathing, feeding levels, temperature etc so that their chances of survival and growth are well enhanced too he adds.
All of this is backed up by a strong team of medical professionals that includes nurses, Physicians, General Practitioners, Nutritionists, Doctors and specialists in case an extra hand is needed to help out.
Beyond Post Delivery Care
Teamwork Homecare is a full service medical services company with a focus on delivering home based medical care with in Uganda with in which homebased care is a young and growing subsector of the medical profession. It’s key areas of focus include Palliative Care, Elderly Care, Emergency Services and Post Delivery Care among others. The company’s offices are located in Naalya and you can contact them through their website or through their social media platforms on Twitter (X), Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.
WhatsApp: +256701133509
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