The Rukiga Territorial Police have launched an investigation into the mysterious death of 28-year-old Nelson Twesima, also known as Kikorokomba, a resident of Muhanga town council. The incident, which occurred on the evening of July 4, 2023, has raised suspicions of poisoning.
According to initial reports, Twesima visited Gerald’s bar in Muhanga town council while under the influence of alcohol. He sat with his friends and engaged in socializing while consuming drinks. However, shortly afterward, Twesima began vomiting uncontrollably, causing concern among those present.
In response, the bar owner, Gerald, and another individual named Taremwa, decided to move Twesima outside for some fresh air. They kept a close eye on him until approximately 2:45 a.m., when they left him outside the bar. Shockingly, Twesima was discovered lifeless the following morning.
Upon receiving notification of the incident, the police were promptly informed by Gerald Taremwa. Law enforcement officials swiftly arrived at the scene to gather evidence and document the area. Subsequently, the body of the deceased was transferred to Kabale Referral Hospital for a postmortem examination, which is expected to shed light on the cause of death.
As part of their investigative efforts, the police apprehended 15 individuals for questioning in connection with the incident. Their involvement and potential knowledge surrounding the circumstances leading to Twesima’s demise are currently being scrutinized.
ASP Maate Elly, the Public Relations Officer for the Kigezi region, emphasized the importance of a thorough investigation to ascertain the truth behind this suspected poisoning. Authorities are committed to uncovering any criminal elements involved and bringing them to justice.
The community of Rukiga remains in shock and mourning following the tragic death of Nelson Twesima. Residents are urged to cooperate fully with the police in their inquiries, providing any relevant information that could assist in the resolution of this case.
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