Lessons are done. The college is filled with constant sounds from students moving left to right enjoying an evening breeze and a great piece of Art works in the compound of St Henry’s College Kitovu (SHACK) that has lived up for the last centenary years.
There is also group of boys playing trumpets behind the building that houses the Head Teacher’s office in the left corner.
The soft-spoken Brother Augustine Mugabo,48- Head teacher of St Henry’s College- Kitovu , a boys’ government aided secondary school in Masaka City which was founded by White Fathers in 1922, is as jolly and peaceful as a white dove at his research and reading table.
Mugabo is a teacher of substance in English language and literature who has been the Headteacher of St Henry’s College for the last 18 years.
Although, he is not comfortable to disclose the detailed description about his family background because of sentimental reasons, he is quick to say that he hails from Kabwoko village, Masaka City.
And if the word literature is the one to go with, Mr. Mugabo cannot live without subject. Literature is part of his life and it’s the same message he usually inculcates in as many students he has taught.
“I believe that reading and writing are the most nourishing forms of meditation anyone has so far found. By reading the writings of the most interesting minds in history, we meditate with our own minds and decide responsibly. This to me is a miracle,” he started off by saying.

Mugabo attended schools; Bishop Ddungu Primary School, St Johns Kabwoko and St Charles Lwanga- Kasasa. He was always a star waiting in the wings to walk his way in the education sector because he loved reading books and teaching under the sun.
Beginning as a licensed teacher, at the age of 17 after sitting senior four, it was during his vacation when he started teaching under the funding of the government at St Cecilia girl’s primary school, Villa Maria, in 1992.
Back then, he was paid a monthly salary of shs: 2000 but money was never his first priority. Teaching was the key and still lives by it as a life conundrum.
“I was young, but hard- working and passionate. I never desired to do anything in this world apart from teaching and I don’t think I can be comfortable outside the teaching world,” Mugabo declares.
He adds that he advanced and enrolled into religious life as a member of the brothers of Christian instruction. So, he studied religious formation first that involves; philology, philosophy and biblical lessons.
“Throughout my childhood, I could look after cows at home and my father was also a teacher. My desire to be a teacher lingered and I developed a small book where I could formulate names of pupils for example; Brian, Brenda and others and many times I could imagine I am in class, giving them marks,” he astonishingly says.
Between 1998 and 2000, he explains that in order to expand his horizons, he was able to join Ibanda Secondary School. While there, he was a go-getter, who never wanted to stay too long in the same place and moved to St Edwards- Bukuumi, Kibaale District,
“I had mastered the art of teaching, so I went in for further education, just in case there are more opportunities ahead, I thought those qualifications would help me move forward,” he recalls.
Thereafter, he went for studies at Kyambogo University where he attained a bachelor’s degree of Arts with Education in 2005.
During his first-semester at the University, he taught for 30 days at St Leo’s- Kyegobe secondary school in Fort portal District.
“I continued to believe in myself. My teachers for example Mrs Beatrice Kibirige, a teacher whom I picked most of my teaching inspirations also continued to encourage me,” Mugabo noted.
Mugabo joined St Henry’s college-Kitovu in 2005 with 900 students and his teaching hunger and commitment guided him to be appointed deputy head teacher.
It was never going to stop from there for him and seven years later in service, he was elevated to the top seat of head teacher until now.
“To be a head teacher you must be a servant of servants. Just like any leader in any position. You see, in such circumstances you must be ready to serve different people. These people have different cultural backgrounds and interests which require you to be in position to listen more and speak less, “, Mugabo, who also went in for a Master’s degree and graduated in 2010 in Washington University, USA stated.
“Headship involves being an innovative character because you must plan for an institution. You’re a coordinator. You coordinate the Minister of Education, the foundation body, and the institution plus the community and they all have different interests. Above all, the school must move in the proper direction because you must be accountable in all fields, though many believe that accountability is just about money.”
At this college, Mugabo says in the their ten year strategic plan that runs exerted much emphasis on holistic education and parents wouldn’t just bring children for the sake of passing exams with flying colours, but as teachers, they demand for a complete human being.
“Character formation is one of the things normally emphasized mostly in Brother Mugabo’s teaching career;” shared Sauya Nanyonga, the Head Teacher, Masaka Parents Secondary School.
“ My role is to produce acceptable individuals here too in the society but as a person who is completely cognitive and acceptable, Mugabo has inspired us heavily in the education sector,” she says.
Working collectively as colleagues with 80 teachers, the school has blossomed in his 18 years tenure attracting thousands of students in both O&A-level, and as you read this, the college is filled to capacity.
Being a 14th head teacher since the beginning of the Kitovu College, Mugabo who joined the college that had a population of 900 students 18 years ago says, there has been a transition academically and today, they have over 1,500 students.
“I normally give first consideration to people in Masaka only that some people when they don’t give us first choice I don’t take them. I tell them to go where they put their first choice,” said Mugabo.
One of the things that have fuelled his management services in the college since 2005 is the ability to learn from his fellow teachers, parents, and school board and the old students themselves.
As for Clarity; St Henry’s College Kitovu has 12 houses of residence. They are in two sections of the houses of residence. One is referred to as Gutter and California housing mainly senior one, senior two students and senior three to senior six respectively.
“I am not the custodian of knowledge. But every day I seek knowledge from those surrounding me,” he added.
Considering Uganda’s teaching curriculum today, Mugabo faults the government for rotating most of their attention on science students saying not every successful person has to be a scientist.
The current conundrum of the society requires people who are mentally innovative and creative which is mostly found in the faculty of Arts and Social Science; so the government has a lot to change.
“We are not all gifted in the science area. The door must be open to Artists because we need art and it is the foundation of everything. Historians are the doctors of society. History alone helps us to plan accordingly. The books we read are about society so the doctors can’t handle the challenges of the society. Yes, you’re in medicine, but when it comes to society you can’t handle these challenges,” he observed.
“The government policy of skilling is very good but it lacks the practical part of it. If funds can allow, all schools including those under private ownership should be beneficiaries of government support,” Mugabo advised.
In line with emphasizing practical lessons among students, Mugabo has exerted energy on disciplines such as Technical Drawing (TD) and Music which he says today, people are earning a lot of money out of their talents a case in point being the Colleges’ alumni Charles Peter Mayiga currently the Buganda Kingdom’s premier who rose as the Minister of Information of Buganda Kingdom due to his talent in writing and speaking issues of national importance.
“The standard of the school required by the church here must be reached. We advocate for quality education and I appreciate my technical staff and great support from the Catholic Church and no one is after making money here like some schools do,” Mugabo shared.
SHACK which is one of the best secondary schools in the country, was established in 1922.
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