In a campaign to increase levels of computer knowledge in schools, Ssembabule Woman Member of Parliament Mary Begumisa donated 10 computers to two secondary schools in her district.
The computers of Dell type were given to both Government aided and private secondary schools all over Sembabule district as one of her election pledge implementation.
The current secondary school curriculum, makes computer studies as one of the main subjects, many schools especially government aided still lack computers sets because setting a school computer laboratory is one of the most expensive.
While handing over the computers to the schools management, parents and students Hon. Mary Begumisa urged the beneficiaries to handle the gargets with special care in order to help children acquire computer knowledge because it’s one of the perquisites for one to get a job after school.
She appealed to the students to be more vigilant when using the computers, which she said that it will help others who are still in lower classes to find them, use them also when they are still safe
While speaking to this website Begumisa noted that her campaign to ensure that all school children in her district at least get computer knowledge has just started with a bunch of 10 sets and many more are coming.
She noted that through her Mary Begumisa Foundation all schools both Gorvenment and Private in Sembabule are going to benefit in a project which is to cost 120 millions Uganda Shillings

Mary Begumisa has walked the talk by trying to fulfil the promises she made to her electorates in Sembabule during campaigns, since for the short time she has joined Sembabule politics, Building houses for the underprivileged in Kikalata, Kasaana in Mateete sub-county.
As a way of enhancing education in her district, she has sponsored 120 students in the whole district, scaled down on the student sponsorship program,thus resorted to facilitating and building financial capacity of students under this scheme by offering 2 goats each and a bicycles to those who can ride to go to the Seed secondary schools and access universal secondary education.
Increasing levels of employment in her district she has offered sewing machines to some women groups which have improved their standards of livings thus solving family problems.
On the same issue of employment, she has also begun helping the youth especially boda boda riders to acquire new motor cycles, by getting them some initial contribution while acquiring them on asset financing basis. She started with Lwebitakuli boda boda stages.
On the issue of transport, she has graded several community roads for instance, a road in Kyagunda, Kinywamazi parish, Excavating valley dams, e.g. in Kinywamazi to solve water problem for both humans and cattle in her district.
According to the people of Sembabule, she is seen as their lighting candle and a true politician that has a fond heart and connection with her people at all levels.
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