The Court of Appeal has scheduled 50 civil appeal cases to be heard in 10 days, as the judiciary seeks to deal with case backlog.
The appeals shall be heard between June 20th June and 30th June, 2022 by Justices of the Court of Appeal, Elizabeth Musoke, Muzamiru Kibeedi, Christopher Gashirabake, Irene Mulyagonja and Eva Luswata.
According to the cause list issued by the Court of Appeal Registrar, Her Worship Susan Kanyange, the cases to be heard were filed between 2013 and 2022.
Some of the appeals to be handled include that of the administrator of the estate of Sir Edward Muteesa, the first President of Uganda against Dr. Muhammad Kasasa, who are battling over ownership of a prime land in Mutungo, Nakawa Division. The case was dismissed by Justice John Eudes Keitirima in 2020 but the children, disatisfied with the decision of court appealed the judgement.
Other appeals include; Nakivubo Road Old Kampala (Kisekka) Market Vendors Limited against Geoffrey Kayita and three others in regard to Kisekka market land, the case in which the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo is battling city lawyer Alex Bashasha, and the case between Pius Bigirimana and the Daily Monitor Publications among other appeal cases.
This is the third session to be held by the Court of Appeal/Constitutional Court in the last two months.
In January this year, heads of High Court circuits held a retreat to deliberate on strategies aimed at reducing case backlog and seven key resolutions geared towards improving service delivery in the Judiciary were agreed upon.
They committed to develop costed backlog clearance work plans with defined time frames, hold regular meetings to set and review targets, proper records management and implementation of an alternative Dispute Resolution framework.
The Justices also resolved to provide performance targets per Judicial officer, evaluation of performance in percentages of targets set in the work plans, and inclusion of backlog performance of magisterial courts in the respective supervising Circuit case backlog reports.
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