Over the past couple of days, some online publications have been running stories about a Member of Parliament who allegedly took off with Speaker Rebecca Kadaga’s campaign cash.
The story alleges that Alex Brandon Kintu, the Kagoma County MP elect prematurely withdrew from the National Resistance Movement-NRM retreat in Kyankwanzi with over 80 million shillings that Kadaga had entrusted him with to facilitate her clandestine mobilization.
According to a particular source, Kintu left with an excuse that his wife was critically ill at Nakasero Hospital and so he needed to go and tend to her. But subsequent research revealed that the youthful MP elect had instead gone straight home to merry make with family.
Records at Nakasero Hospital according to one local publication didn’t show evidence of the MP’s wife having been admitted at the facility, neither had Mr Kintu set foot at the hospital.
A deeper scrutiny of the matter by this publication has however unearthed something more shocking.
Kintu’s wife Mrs Rinty Kintu has never been admitted at the VIP facility in Kampala which family say were uncomfortable revealing for the security of the patient.
Leading Kadaga’s campaign at Kyankwanzi, Kintu had at first refused to come back to Kampala to attend to his ailing wife until it was absolutely necessary, with her conditions worsening every other day.
As per the Intel received by Watchdog News, Mrs Kintu had received a COVID-19 vaccine jab while pregnant, which might have adversely affected her health.
Having received all the treatment from most of the most efficient hospitals in the country to no avail, the family opted to fly her to Aghakan Hospital in Nairobi, a facility known for attending to very complex health situations in the East African region.

Prossy Mwanjuzi, an insider in Team Kadaga Mobilisation force intimated to this website that the allegations of taking off with Kadaga’s cash against Kintu were malicious and targeted him to purposely divert him from mobilizing for the Speaker.
“Brandon didn’t take any money. He is a pillar in our team and all he has been doing has been out of love for mama. He was not given any money to do this. Alleging that he ran with money is not only outrageous but also shameful,” Mwanjuzi told Watchdog.
Despite all the negativity being spread, Mwanjuzi told Watchdog that Kintu was staying focused and would resume his Mobilisation as soon as he returns from Nairobi where he went to tend to his sick wife.
“You can do all you want but you can’t break Brandon’s spirit. Those who think they can divert him are just dreaming. He has already assured us he is coming to begin from where he ended,” she said.
Last week, Kadaga’s PPS Peter Busiku came out to refute the embezzlement allegations against Kintu, insisting there had been no money sent to Kyankwanzi through him.
Below is what Busiku said in a statement;
“Just to put this to rest members; I’m part of the team in charge of RAK operations. we have never sent money to Hon Brandon. if we wanted to send money to our good supporters in Kyankwanzi, we would definitely send to each persons individual number since both know RAK supporters & their mobile / Airtel numbers. so, if it so happened that the head of our opponents camp had given him money for reasons best known to him, let that person come out and justify his / her decision. team RAK is a clear focussed team with men & women of will, well intentioned that can’t be moved by money. so, any one thinking he will dosorganise the camp of RAK with propaganda & black mail, shame upon them. those a clear indicators of a failed Mission. as colleagues have put it, Brandon’s decision to leave Kyankwanzi was a hard one, that we all shared and agreed before his departure. “we win, or they loose”. big up team RAK.”
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