By Patrick Edward Musisi, Luzira
The patron of the Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals in Uganda (ASAPU) Dr Maggie Kigozi has advised secretaries to stop underrating their responsibilities and seriously realize that they are the custodians and memories of their institutions.
She observed that being custodians of their institutions’ inventory, secretaries must be held in high esteem because they know best the history of their institutions.

“Executives, including ministers come and go, but you always stay behind and since everybody consults you on matters pertaining to day-to-day affairs of your offices, you are the most crucial managers of your institutions,” Kigozi noted.
She was on Saturday officiating at the association’s annual general meeting at Silver Springs Hotel, Luzira, during which new office bearers were elected into office to take charge for another three-year term.
Norah Kihumuro was returned as president after trouncing her former general secretary Martin Kigambegye, while Grace Kesande Tusuubira was returned unopposed as the vice president.

In her speech, Kihumuro was sad to note that secretaries are given different titles at various institutions, which she said tends to place those with demeaning titles in an embarrassing situation.
She said, “You may find that people with similar qualifications and earning the same salary are given different titles depending on where they work, and I want to suggest to the mother ministry to harmonize the issue of our titles,” she observed.
The Vice President pledged to link secretaries with poor remuneration to better paying institutions, and invite them to join the association.
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