By Arinda Nsheeka Wilfred
Following the recent annual crime report released by police ranking of Ntungamo district as 2nd after Lira district in crimes, the Ntungamo police have embarked on community policing urging all village leaders to intensify the registration of all village residents and visitors in their areas of jurisdiction.
According to Sergeant George Arinaitwe the community Liaison officer (CLO) Ntungamo police station registering visitors in village books will reduce criminality by identifying the wrong doers from genuine people.
Sgt Arinaitwe made remarks on Wednesday during one day community policing workshop held at Iterero ward headquarters in Nyamunuuka Twon council Kajara county Ntungamo district.
“If these casual laborers and visitors are registered with village chairpersons on every day they stepped in that village, we shall iron out the criminals thus reduce crimes in Ntungamo district,” he said.
He called upon all residents not to receive workers and visitors in their families before they report to village chairpersons for registration and identification fail to adhere they will be penalized.
Sergeant Arinaitwe also challenged residents to cooperate with all actor players in security to fight increased insecurity especially robbery, domestic violence and other related cases.
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