On Thursday morning, Airtel Uganda, led by their Marketing Director – Mr. Indrajeet K. Singh – and their Public Relations Officer – Faith Fiona Bugonzi, handed over a sponsorship package to Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU) worth UGX 3,250,000 aimed at boosting PRAU FUFA run.
The sponsorship, which was in form of 50 original Uganda Cranes football jerseys, was handed over by Mr. Indrajeet K. Singh to Stella Nkini Ndiwalana who represented the PRAU Governing Council.
“At Airtel, we are proud to partner with stakeholders whose interests are line with our customer passion points. Health is one our CSR pillars and therefore sponsoring a PRAU health run in association with the cranes for whom we are proud official sponsors gives us pride” said Mr. Indrajeet K. Singh.
FUFA and the Uganda Cranes Football Team are set to join Uganda’s leading PR and communication professionals in the 11th edition of the PRAU Run set to place on Friday 3rd November 2017.
This run will provide a great opportunity for PR practitioners and the best soccer players in Uganda to meet and learn from each other. While footballers are fit and healthy athletes, PR professionals, on the other hand, know how to ably manage reputation for various brands.
The PRAU run will start off at Lugogo Indoor Stadium at 5.30pm. Warm up and stretching drills will be conducted before the official run commences at 6.00pm.
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