By Watchdog reporter
Famous NTV Da Beat presenter Douglas Lwanga has come out to clear the air about the cheating allegations with a married woman known as Jojo Heathers.
On Friday rumours were moving around social media indicating how Lwanga has been having a sexual relationship with Jojo, a married woman with a five year old daughter.
However, Lwanga has refuted the claims terming them as a malicious statement published to tarnish his image.
Douglas Lwanga wrote on his social media:
Dear Bloggers/ Facebook users/ Anyone with Data/ Facebook wannabe Celebrities etc
I write this with so much sadness. Just because you have data or wifi on your phone doesnt give you a right to make other peoples lives sad and difficult. Maybe we need some facebook lessons or the governmennt needs to put a course at makerere university say a Bachelor of Arts in Facebook use. Then you can graduate with a Degree or Diploma on how to use Facebook.
Honestly how do you write trash knowing very well you want to damage someones image in the name of getting comments plus likes.
Okay if you get these likes and comments on your page please tell us how it pays your bills. Or probably adds more years to your life. How do you derive your satisfaction honestly. By seeing the world sad right???
What happened to journalists that did research. That dug information, that passed verified information. Where did these people go? Like someone said i think the world went to the dogs ages ago.
If facebook has made everyone a journalist, why is the masscommunication department at the university still training Journalists.
Okay in case of abscence of training kindly apply common sense. Ohh i recall it aint common?
?. Wow i guess what we are left to do now is sit and watch.
What 2 do?????????
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