Thousands of porn videos and photos are posted on the internet every day. And because no one will happily share his/her nude pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram, this means for every leaked nude, there’s a perpetrator behind;- be it a hacker or an estranged lover.
Leaking of nudes online has happened to several women in Uganda and most times whenever such incidents happen, the victims are left scared, unsafe and worried about what will happen next.
However, some manage to bounce back to their normal lives with no real damage caused whereas others completely lose it.
Today we list some of the Muslim women whose leaked nudes made headlines:
1. Sulayina Nangendo
The Ebonies actress Sulayina Nangendo commonly known as Princess Becky Jjuko last week broke the internet after her nude photos and video made their way to the public.
Becky is known for her role in the Ebonies drama series Oh My God (OMG) that airs on Bukedde TV every Thursday, and she also features on Ebonies music tantala, music and dance show that happens every Tuesday at Theatre Labonita.
The actress has not been that popular to many, but her 28-second porn video, and photos have raised her star status and currently she is being recognized where ever she goes. She has since come out to apologise to the public, blaming her once lover for betraying her trust.
Shawula Kasule, the daughter of Sheikh Kasule Ndirangwa, in May this year shocked the Uganda Muslim fraternity after her nude photos leaked during the Holy Month of Ramadhan.
Sheikh Ndirangwa is the Kibuli Muslim faction Supreme Mufti.
In the photos that made rounds on social media, Shawula was seen posing naked on her bed and on the other hand dancing erotically. Although some section of Muslims called for severe punishment for shaming her father, Sheikh Ndirangwa played his parental role with utmost caution.
The socialite’s nude leaked in 2014, but the Boss Lady alleged that the woman in the picture wasn’t her. She claimed that the naked pictures belonged to Kenyan Socialite, former Big Brother Africa star Huddah Monroe who apparently looks just like her.
In 2012, Kamunye and Red Pepper newspapers published Sophia Namutebi alias Mama Fiina’s nudes.
Then, she claimed that someone had snooped on her and took these pictures while she was relaxing in her bedroom. The traditional herbalist then dragged the tabloids to courts of law on grounds of defamation and invasion of privacy. Maama Fiina at last came out as a strong woman and went on with her business.

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