Distruction Boyz leave Blankets and Wine revelers yearning for more
By Allen Kisakye

Joanita Kawalya has been part of Afrigo Band for decades. Rarely has she performed solo. And you could tell by the surprised crowd at the 20th edition of Blankets and Wine on Sunday when the diva stepped on stage sans Moses Matovu and company. And no, it was not a mistake. And yes, she did not disappoint as she sang hit after hit that the relatively youth crowd enjoyed.

Prior to her performance, Racheal K, Lady Snake, Tina Ford, Tracey Noella kept the show’s early birds entertained from as early as 2pm before Ykee Benda took over.

But the night belonged to South African duo Distruction Boyz. Largely unknown until their catchy song ‘Omunye Phezkomunye’ was picked up by the makers of Black Panther, Distruction Boyz lived up to their billing.

Their energetic performance left the thousands of afro-fusion music lovers who had thronged the Tusker Malt sponsored show at Lugogo Cricket Oval trying to catch their breath.
As their other hits such as The Conductor and Madness hits echoed throughout the Oval, the approving shrills of delighted fans served as proof that they were getting their money’s worth and enjoying their Tusker Malt. For most, midnight, which is the time the show closed, seemed to have come too soon.

“Blankets and Wine is a platform for fun-loving Ugandans that also showcases and supports talented artistes. Our commitment as Tusker Malt is to continue renewing our consumers’ party spirit with more exciting experiences accompanying each installment of the show,” said Grace Namutebi, UBL Brand Manager, Premium Beers.
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