By Norah Owaraga
As part of a consortium that is implementing the research and policy advocacy project: “Tuberculosis: Working to Empower the Nations’ Diagnostic Efforts (TWENDE)”, since January 2016, CPAR Uganda Ltd is conducting research on tuberculosis (TB). Follow the progress of TWENDE – up-dates are now available on the TWENDE page on the CPAR Uganda Ltd website.
In collaboration with its fellow TWENDE consortium partner organisations, CPAR Uganda Ltd is utilising ‘new’ TWENDE data and other available ‘old’ data to author and disseminate opinions, policy briefs, research reports, and academic papers on TB diagnosis, TB treatment and TB stigma in Uganda and in East Africa.
TWENDE is a two-year project (January 2016 to December 2017) that is funded by the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Association; specifically through its EDCTP2 Programme; which programme is supported under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
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