By Edwin Muzahura
Hey folks, this is a piece for my fellow Men!
I have been going to some clinic for the last two days and while there I noticed something very disturbing.
For two days I have noticed a young lady who comes in with her son who is in extreme pain. The poor boy couldn’t even sit up right.
Occasionally they take him for some injections but through the Canula on his hands. But in the room he wails uncontrollably while calling out for his father. The poor thing cries so hard that even nurses sometimes get freaked out.
He looks visibly weak and frail. But even in pain he is such a fighter. He quickly tries to forget his pain and you clearly see that he doesn’t want to over burden the already struggling mother.
After the expensive treatments, I noticed the lady pulls out her phone and goes out making calls.
My assumption was that he is trying to call the boy’s Dad who probably works late given these days hustles.
Quickly she leaves the boy in the lounge chairs, kind nurse covers it with a cloth since they need to keep it warm.
On the second day of this same disturbing routine I asked the young lady what was afflicting her precious son??
She told me he was a sickler a Condition he has had since birth but noticed when he was 3 years. Meaning he has sickle cells.
Well I thanked her for being so courageous because trust me what she is going through is hell tough.
That said I asked why the father of the boy comes late to pick them up long after treatment given that the boy needs rest and is always calling out for him.
Hhhmm, I don’t know where he is! That was her answer. But could be in US or UK she continued. So who are you calling to pick you up? I be calling Ubber to take us home.
Where is your home I ask? Near Kira after Najjera 2.
Apparently after knocking this lady shortly after her campus days this member never looked back. He jumped ship to date and even never bothers to call and check on his special innocent son.
The mother who does small businesses in town to make ends meet and take care for her permanently sickly boy carries all this burden alone.
Now honestly fellow chaps, even chicken when they lay eggs they care for them even before they hatch, dogs, pigs, goats, cows name them fearlessly fight, defend, protect and provide for their young.
What type of man is this chap???
Regardless of your issues with your woman, this precious innocent soul needs your care and affection and he is not party to your bullshit.
As you probably enjoy away and sear other kids hopefully you are taking care of them may the good Lord cover you a black cloud till you come back to your little senses if any.
If you are man enough to make some one carry your own for nine months, for heavens sake be there for it.
I was so mad that I even inquired if this dude was Ugandan or some other breed.
Ugandan men are supposed to be real and proud ones at that who take care of their own. Which man dumps a sickle cells kids with the mother and never looks back.
He deserves no sit at the table of men and carries a curse.
I despise and hate such hypocrites. This man is a big shame to the great race of men and we should hunt down such goons.
Poor boy yells in pain calling him out of innocent love but has no paint of milk or bread from the same punk.
And he probably has so many paints of Heineken before him with his buddies and looks pretty smart from some job while his baby Maama is scrapping through her wallet to get her last cash to pay for the son’s transport home.
The boy can only be transported while lying down since he can’t stand.
As I dropped off this lady and her poor child I was filled was such pain and rage a combination of which almost made me cry but seeing the courage this lady has and her optimistic outlook encouraged me.
In a nut shell she needs 300M UGX to have a transplant if her son is to ever live a normal life otherwise she does expect him to leave passed 30yrs she told me.
Knowing the current economic situation and our health services this is an issue of God.
She says she keeps praying about it just but for now she is focused on doing what’s best for her son.
This little lad is a great gentleman who remembers to say thank you even as they carry him out of the car.
But seriously chaps, this is simply unacceptable and all men worthy of the title Dad must be men enough to raise to the occasion.
Stay blessed! My cents!
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