According to Rtd. Lt. Moses Mugisha Magufuri, Uganda’s economic problems started with Prof. Paul Coullier who advised the president to liberalize the economy, that made Government to start privatizing Government entities where our indigenous banks were closed which is starting to negatively impact on us rapidly amidst good programs that would work successfully if the proposal is to be effected .
He says the annual collection in revenue is 20 trillion and our budget is 48 trillion, meaning we are less 28 trillion to run the country which in the end calls for external borrowing, this justifies the current debt at 80 trillion.
The IGG report on corruption states that 11 trillion are lost annually. Of recent the report she presented, she talked of 21 trillion meaning that averagely we are losing 16 trillion and of which we are getting 20 trillion that means we cannot run a country on 4 trillion.
This means there is need to re-organise our economy by establishment of agriculture and cooperative bank for the small scale industries to access finance to increase production which will widen the tax base for Government to get enough revenue and also work around increase on the GDP growth in the agricultural sector to at least 70 % if at all we are focusing at registering a middle income status for an inspired society of the least poor common people of Uganda.
The blue eyed boy Rt Lt Magufuri’s view to have the Agricultural & commercial bank continues to reflect at local institutions like Wazalendo, NSSF funds and other Sacco’s account that are lying in private banks like Stanbic, Cairo international, Post, bank etc which commercial banks are run by foreign investors which can do enough to help all Saccos across the country.
We should all know that according to world bank research, it established to state that the problem of Africa to succeed economically, has been limited capital for agricultural sector to be able to stand as an independent sector. According to Magufuri he presume that the PDM to succeed well, they must have parish chiefs to act as loan officers under the agricultural commercial bank that will directly act as a linkage of support to the real beneficiaries for a well guided and close monitoring to Government funds.
Emyoga, wealth creation would have succeeded very well because it is the common poor people is the government intends to target would be guided In a manner on how to directly deal with funding through this bank .
Agricultural extension officers have been deprived or defused to execute their roles fully because of no motivational indicators that can help the directorate of extension science to be at the centre of human resource since they are the right personalities on ground in our communities.
Remember these people could be also staff of the bank but not ministry of local Government employees.
We should further know that its a big challenge to understand the criteria how most parish chiefs come in place because at times it has been a stage managed exercise of recruitment that has exposed to fund embezzlement that has resulted into failure of government programs right from the time of Entandikwa which intended to transform people economically.
For the Agricultural and commercial bank to be in place it will rescue government from mischief of unpatriotic servants who are for God and my stomach. Like for example in western Uganda, the supply of Tea seedlings has been messed up and 149 billion of money has been lost. That is why the Transformer cadres had proposed for the full implementation of the Regional tier to zonal Agricultural regions in terms of industrialization for their enterprises and do value addition according to zones as extension officers work as board chair members for good supervision on role of production for what best each zone can do best not political driven program that’s why they call these programs Museven’s gift.
In Western Uganda we have iron ore, therefore if this bank is in place it will help or partner with investors to explore our iron which is plenty and other regions of the country so that we are able to have to export steel to African countries that importation that’s why Magufuri believe in a mixed economy than having a private led economy because some investors don’t pay taxes and where also Government has proved not to have control over them instead they influence policies in Parliament, which is dangerous to the economy.
To stretch further therefore, just imagine Uganda has been a cooperative country since 1913 when Ugandans started organising as cooperatives. These early cooperatives started informally until the first cooperative ordinance was in acted in 1946 by African farmers and Uganda has only one cooperative college Kigumba, which started in 1964 and still producing diploma holders compared to Moshi cooperative university which started in 1963 now offers masters and PhD while cooperative university in TZ which also commenced in 1964 offers masters level and which has given the two economies fair progress unlike home where we seem to be static.
In a nut shell, Magufuri seem to be having a vivid point to make Ugandans to have a must understanding to know that it is not only PDM that will help in achieving social economic transformation to this holistic participatory approach. E.g PDM plus agro processing facilities ( APF) plus rural industrial parks,, ( RIP) plus urban markets , plus cultural and creative industry all require harmonization’s in accessing credit to develop this country.
Therefore the proposal still stands, let’s have factual principle policies that make our systems to be effective if anyway the NRM and regime manifesto implementation is to be for common poor people centered that will help us register a middle income status in our country.

Who is Ltd. Lt. Moses Musisha Magufuri
Born on February 2, 1986, just a few days after the NRM government assumed power. He was raised by Rtd Major Babumba Bwohe Henry, a pilot instructor in the Nakasongola Airforce.
The retired Lieutenant in the UPDF army sat his PLE from Kako P/S and UCE from Rwentobo H/S before he moved to Highway College Makerere. After his high school studies, he moved to Nkumba University where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in Procurement and logistics management. He later obtained a Master’s degree in procurement and logistics management from the same University. Magufuri also obtained another Master’s degree of science in monitoring and evaluation from Nkozi University.
He worked with Roofings Ltd as Administration Assistant and at Bishop Stuart university Mbarara as a lecturer. He officially joined the army in 2011 from Kabamba Military Academy in Uganda, he was sent to Somalia in 2013 until 2015 on special duties during the struggle by UPDF to restore peace in Somalia where he significantly fought corruption in the army something that prompted Gen. Saleh and Operation wealth Creation to deploy him as Procurement and seed monitoring officer at NAADS a position he still holds till date so he fights the corruption that was in that body.
Well known for fighting corruption in the army while in Somalia and now in NAADS, Mugisha decided to give politics a shot and in 2018, his retirement from the army was approved.
Due to his humble family background, Mugisha is said to be a no-nonsense officer who walks the Talk and is principled, honest and respectful.
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