Celebrity stylist and socialite Kim Swagga has come out to add another nail to allegations which pin businessman Sulaiman Kabangala alias SK Mbuga to domestic violence.
On Sunday, SK Mbuga’s wife, Vivienne Jalia Mbuga said that she has been a victim of domestic violence on several occasions, but decided to stay married to Mbuga out of fear that another woman can come into her marital home to enjoy her hard work.
“Sometimes women stay with dysfunctional partners out of fear that the next woman will reap out of the hard work she put in, nope.,” she said on Sunday.
Following Vivienne’s revelation, Kim Swagga was forced to comment about the matter too, noting that he feels guilty for introducing Mbuga to Vivienne, because if it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t have gone through such misery.
Kim further said that he knew what was happening in Vivienne’s life but chose to remain silent because at one time Mbuga wanted to murder him.
“I have kept mute about your evil behaviours for a long time, even when you wanted to murder me, but the almighty God will work on you one day and trust me it will be a knock out. My sis Jalia Vivienne Mbuga, am sorry for introducing you to that man, I will forever take the blame,” Kim Swagga said on Sunday.
Despite the allegations, SK Mbuga has not yet come out to comment about this issue.
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