The government of Uganda through National Water and Sewerage Corporation has embarked on a journey to extend safe clean water to 120,000 villages in over 80 districts in various parts of Uganda under a new programme code named Service Coverage Acceleration Programme (SCAP100).
The SCAP100 is in line with the corporation’s 2016-2021 5 year strategic direction and aims to ensure safe water for all, starting with all villages in all 174 towns by 2020.
Speaking during the preliminary assememt of water sources in Kyankwanzi and Hoima districts, the Corporation’s Senior Manager Western and South Western region Eng Mahmood Lutaaya, assured stakeholders and residents that the Corporation is working on various interventions to serve various parts of Hoima district. Some of the villages to benefit include:
Kyakapeya, Kichwamba 1,Kichwamba II, Kikwatamigo, Kidooti,Kibone, Kihandagana, Kiryabana,Kacungiro,Buhanika Upper,Buhanika Lower, Nyakambugu,Mbogwe,Kitinti,Buhanika,Kihuule North,Kihuule South, Butebere,Kasingo,Buswekera,Mpaija,Kyabahesi,Katuugo,Kyakaliba,Butale,Kisonde, Kayanja,Kitemba,Kitoma,Kaitira,Kihukya,Katasiha-Wambaya among many others.
The Senior Manager also toured the National Training Institute Kyankwanzi, Butemba Trading Center and Bukwiri Trading Center in Kyankwanzi district.
NWSC MD Dr.Eng Silver Mugisha shared that the corporation will install 140,000 new connections and 20,000 public stand posts during the SCAP 100 Programme.
Some key elements under the Project SCAP 100 include upgrading and expansion of infrastructure, increasing safe water coverage and improvement of functionality of existing PSPs.
According to Dr Mugisha, the estimated financing needed to achieve the project by 2020 amounts to Ushs213.4 Billion; on average Ushs71 billion per annum.
He revealed that the government will Finance 42% amounting to Ushs 90billion over a period of three years (2017-2020) whilst the remaining 58% (amounting to Ushs 123b) of the project cost will be funded by NWSC using internally generated resources.
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