Ministry of Water and Environment handed sites for the construction of Ngora-Nyero-Kumi and Palisa water supply and sanitation systems in April 2017 to M/s China GEO Engineering Corporation under the supervision of M/s Fichtner Water and Transportation in association with M&E Associates Ltd. The construction is to be completed by June 2019, 14months construction period.
The construction of the systems is financed by the World Bank under the Water Management and Development project (WMDP) and Government of Uganda.
The cost of construction of Ngora-Nyero-Kumi water Supply is UGX 25,435,818,951 and for Pallisa water Supply and sanction system is UGX 18,034,873,703.
Under Ngora-Nyero-Kumi, the system will serve a population of 39,965 in 2018 and 58,323 in 2040. Water will be abstracted, treated and pumped from R Agu to a reservoir tank of 500 cubic meters in Ngora and 300 cubic meters in Nyero and 500cubic meters in Kumi.
In Pallisa, the system will serve a population of 43,301 in 2018 and 63,190 in 2040. Water will be abstracted, treated and pumped from Lake Lemwa to a reservoir tank of 150 cubic meters at Kasodo and 1200 cubic meters at Pallisa hospital. A public toilet of 13 stances and a faecal sludge treatment plant will also be constructed at Akadot.
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