This business of going through your partners phone to check her call log,her messages,and to see who she chats with on watsapp should stop. It is so wrong, on all levels,nothing and no reason justifies it.
The other day,my bodaboda guy was telling me how he had a fight with his pregnant woman and he ended up beating her badly that she had to be hospitalized over some messages that he found in her phone! ( I won’t dwell on the fact that he dared to raise his hand against a woman,let alone a pregnant one, that will be a topic for another day) but going through her phone in the first place was so wrong and I made that clear to him.
My phone is my phone,it is private and unless I willingly decide to share with you its contents, you have got no right, whatsoever to go through it. You have no right to invade my privacy by going through it and this stupid excuse of saying that since we are now a couple, so what is now mine is yours does not apply with my phone. It is my phone,and it is private,full stop.
You want to have peace and harmony in a home,then stay clear of each other’s phones. It will save you so much drama and heartache,what you don’t know won’t hurt you.
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