The Deputy Resident City Commissioner in charge of Jinja South division Mike Ssegawa Ssentongo has called for intensified training of patriotism in schools to build a nationalistic character of students who keep time and love their country.
Mr Ssegawa said this while passing out 250 students of Nakanyonyi Girls School and 510 students of Kiira College Butiki in Jinja on Saturday.
The students had undergone a week long training in patriotism, under the guidance of Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) and the Patriotism Clubs Secretariat at the office of the President.
The DRCC said there is need to intensify the trainings of patriotism in all schools in Jinja since the benefits correlate with the national agenda of intensifying nation building.
“These youthful patriots have learnt that through personal ‘discipline and hardwork’ as the school motto says, they can serve their Community and neighborhood diligently. I remind you that patriotism some times might be a call to sacrifice your life and lifetime in defending this country,” Mr Ssegawa told the students.
He added that the trainging boosts acts of charity, good deeds to neighbors and strangers.
“Helping out a colleague who’s abusing drugs or dodging classes. Acts like putting in 100 per cent in studying well, and during holidays to contribute to the well-being of your households, churches, neighborhood. Ofcourse fight vices such as corruption, idle talk, and laziness. Patriotism is about good citizenry and economic transformation.”
On their part, the head teacher of Kiira College and the founder of Nakanyonyi Girls School revealed that students had after the trainings improved on time keeping and adapted best practices.
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